
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Space for Singles to Mingle and More

Churches, Give Your Singles Space to Mingle

There’s much attentive churches can do to serve their single congregants. Read More

The Beliefs That Limit Your Leadership

God did not create us for mediocrity, but to influence others for his sake. Read More

How to Develop Character as a Leader

Here are five proven pathways to develop character. Read More

4 Ways to Keep from Becoming an Angry Preacher

Dear angry preacher, you have a problem, and thus you’ve become one. Finishing the following sentence will help you know whether this post addresses you. Read More

Why Is It So Hard for Me to Understand the Bible?

The Bible is a book full of spiritual riches that can make us wise unto salvation, train us to live godly lives, and equip us for ministry (2 Timothy 3:14-17). It’s the world’s all-time bestseller and the best selling book in every year that sales have been recorded. Even so, the task of reading the Bible can feel like putting together a massive jigsaw puzzle that is missing pieces! Read More

Distinguishing Marks of a Quarrelsome Person

Quarrels don’t just happen. People make them happen. Read More

Why Young Adults Need Mentors

It's the people, not the books, that will make the biggest impact during your young adult years. Read More

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