
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Heart of the Calvinist-Arminian Divide and More

The Heart of the Calvinist-Arminian Divide

There are two very different views of how God’s grace functions in bringing people from spiritual deadness into life. Read More

No Holy Spirit, No Penal Substitutionary Atonement

Perhaps the work of the Holy Spirit that has been most neglected is his role in the atonement. Read More

8 Simple (but not easy) Rules for Movement: Part 7 - Add In Order to Multiply

There are three elements of addition that must undergird any church that wants sustainable multiplication. Read More

The Monks Who Used the Arts in Missions

When we speak of Celtic Christianity, often large oversized crosses, mystic spirituality, and colorful characters like St. Patrick come to mind. In my study of the Celts—particularly the missionary monks who left Ireland to evangelize the rest of Europe—I’m struck by their ability to connect with local cultures, communicate the gospel, and disciple new believers using visual strategies. This was especially true in their work among the Pictish people of Scotland beginning in the late sixth century. Read More

The Strengths Millennials Bring to Your Church [Video]

In this conversation, Jon Nielson, Cameron Cole, and Kori Porter draw from their experience in campus and youth ministry to counteract some negative stereotypes and emphasize the positives about millennials. Read More

The Worst Church Marketing Advice We’ve Ever Heard

I’ll start off by saying that I’ve heard a lot of bad church marketing advice on how churches should “market” themselves. I’ve also seen churches with good intentions execute marketing poorly due to bad advice. But the one thing that gets to me more than anything else is this little piece of advice.... Read More

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