
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: 'Rural Matters' and More

Rural Matters: Part of God’s Plan to Transform Our Communities and Our World

In most places of the world, there is a higher proportion of people who are Christian in rural areas than in urban centers. How are we caring for them and equipping them for their mission in today’s world? How are they being discipled and taught to reach those around them? Read More

8 Simple (but not easy) Rules for Movement: Part 6 - Send Co-Vocational Teams

When so-called “secular” work is seen as part of the mission, it can aid the church reproducing the process. Read More

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Vaccines

After an outbreak of measles cases originating in Orthodox Jewish communities, lawmakers in New York voted last Thursday to end religious exemptions for immunizations. Calling it a public health emergency, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo immediately signed the bill. “While I understand and respect freedom of religion, our first job is to protect the public health,” Cuomo said in a statement, adding that the new law “will help prevent further transmissions and stop this outbreak right in its tracks.” Read More
Vaccinations can prevent a number of common childhood diseases, diseases which can cause serious harm to a child and even threaten the child's life despite what parents may believe. They are also a way of expressing our love for our neighbors by protecting their children from potentially disabling and life-threatening diseases.
What's Your Church Sign For?

3 things to do--and not to do--with your roadside message. Read More

12 Signs of Mediocrity in a Church

I suspect this post may offend someone, but that’s not my goal. I want churches to strive for excellence simply because our calling is to do what we do for God’s glory. I fear, though, that many congregations settle for mediocrity. As a church consultant, I’ve learned that these signs are often an indicator that the church overall does not strive for excellence.... Read More

10 Things You Should Know about the Holy Spirit in the OT

Many are under the false impression that the Holy Spirit is absent from the Old Testament. These ten things will serve to correct this misunderstanding. Read More

Irenaeus of Lyon

Passionate apologist to the Gnostics. Read More

Live First, Lead Second

You can’t lead what you don’t live. Read More

Seven Updated Strategies for a Pastor's First Days [Podcast]

The first 90 days of a pastor’s tenure can set the tone for the future of ministry. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe update their discussion on the topic with some new insights. Listen Now

Ten Ways Pastors Can Enlarge Their Minds and Grow in Unexpected Ways

Are we correct, servant of God, in assuming you see areas of your life needing growth? You’re like the rest of us and still have a long way to go? I have no snake oil remedies to sell, no self-improvement program for you, no quick fixes. Just some ideas that God has used in my own life, that might be helpful in yours. Read More

Preaching Resources: A Summer Reading List

As I’ve been preparing to take time off this summer for study and rest, I reached out to some of my friends and colleagues from TGC for advice on books to read on the topic of preaching. I specifically wanted books to help me improve as a preacher—not necessarily how-to books for the beginning preacher (although we need those too), but resources to help seasoned preachers get better. Here are the recommendations I received.... Read More

Making Old Hymns New Again

There are many ways to “modernize” hymns, but these efforts fall into two general approaches: preserving the lyrics while changing the melody and musical setting of the hymn, or preserving the lyrics, melody and basic structure while changing the underlying musical style. Read More

12 Indications a Church is Making Disciples

It is certainly true you can’t necessarily put a number or percentage on discipleship growth – as easily as you can numerical growth, but you can tell, over time, if discipleship has happened or is happening. Granted, it’s still going to be subjective, as is this post, but I believe the Bible gives us clear indications someone has been discipled. Read More

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