
Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday's Catch: A Healthy Church Culture and Inviting Others to Church and More

Six Reasons a Healthy Church Culture Is Imperative for Inviting Others to Church [Podcast]

Church culture is important to the outreach of a church, and subsequently, how much members will invite others. In this episode Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe discuss how inviting can create and improve the church culture. Listen Now

Five Tips for Building a Mentoring Ministry in Your Church

Mentorship, like most things, is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. But, when considering how to begin or continue growing a mentorship program in your local church, we’ve found these five principles helpful. Read More

12 Distractions During Worship Services

Worship is frequently a controversial topic, and it’s not my goal to add to those debates. Based on my work as a church consultant, reports from our consultation “secret shoppers,” interviews with church members, and my own experiences, though, here are 12 far-too-common distractions during worship services.... Read More

4 Reminders about Kids Ministry After VBS

We offered VBS at our church last week for kids and families in our church and in our community. Our team did an amazing job serving kids so well, teaching them about Jesus, and giving them an incredibly fun time. Trisha Graves, who built VBS at our church years ago, is a hero as her legacy is on display every year. Jen Epperson and her team a crazy good job stewarding the opportunity and I loved every minute I was part of it. Seeing VBS in action reminded me of at least four truths about kids and kids ministry.... Read More

52 Fellowship Activities for Your Small Group

The following is a list of 52 possible fellowship activities that small groups in my church have used through the years. This list is not exhaustive. There are some great activities that are not on it. Some of these activities will fit your group; others will not. It is meant to serve as an idea starter for your group so you can come up with your own activities and plans for implementing them. The key is to do it together. Read More

Is the World's Next Missions Movement in Ethiopia?

Ethiopian churches no longer want to be on the receiving end of the Great Commission. Read More
Evangelism and the Bible

You can’t separate evangelism from total commitment to the Bible. Here’s why. Read More

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