
Friday, July 05, 2019

Friday's Catch: Real Connectivity and More

What Does Your Church Do That Your Phone Can’t Do?

Online connectivity is great. But it will never replace spending time in the presence of other people who love Jesus, too. Read More

8 Faulty Assumptions of Non-Growing Churches

Most churches are not growing. Not every non-growing church gives evidence of the following faulty assumptions; nevertheless, many do, and these assumptions help us to understand why the church isn’t growing. See if your church lives by (even unintentionally) any of these assumptions.... Read More

4 Dangers for Church Planters

There were real dangers lurking among the crowds that Jesus was feeding, healing and teaching. These same dangers still exist in modern churches, but some are unique to church plants. Here are four dangers that I navigated in my experience as a church planter. Read More

The Simple Power of Focusing on One Thing in a Revitalization [Podcast]

There is a great power in focusing on one thing when working to revitalize a church. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe cover six reasons why. Listen Now

The Shepherd-Rancher Divide

Every church longs to grow. That’s the way it should be. “The Great Commission” was not “The Small Suggestion.” But many churches are stuck in neutral. They can’t seem to break through their current plateau to the next level. So what is keeping many of these churches from reaching their full potential? Read More

How I Prepare a Sermon

I have enjoyed reading articles by various Aussies as they tell how they prepare their weekly sermons. I always find it beneficial to hear how others set about the task and thought I’d add my voice to the mix. The point in this article and the others is not to suggest that one method is superior to any other or to suggest any of them is worthy of total imitation. Rather, it’s to provide a smorgasbord of options other preachers may wish to draw upon—a little from here and a little from there. Read More

When You Say You'll Pray...

Have you ever gotten a request from a fellow brother or sister in Christ asking for immediate prayer? Read More

Now What? Five Things a New Leader Should Do Next

Stepping out to start a new group can be an intimidating and scary experience. All of us have the same questions starting out: Will anyone show up? Have I invited the right people? Have I picked the right study? How will I disciple everyone in my group? All of these questions are natural and healthy. As you begin this new adventure of group leadership, here are five helpful steps to take next. Read More

Missions around the World: Church Planting in Australia

It’s hard to convince a nation descended from prisoners that there’s One whose authority is for their good. Read More

Evangelism Is Not a Solo Sport

Many of us see evangelism as an individual sport; this mindset affects the way we approach it. In contrast, the Bible describes and prescribes a team approach to proclaiming the good news. Read More

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