
Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday's Catch: The Significance of the Lord's Prayer and More

Teach Us to Pray: The Significance of the Lord’s Prayer

Why prayer is the breath of spiritual life. Read More

A Few Creeds Plus the Bible: How to Shepherd a Church toward the Use of Confessions

How does a pastor cast a confessional vision of church for a church that has never been confessional? Read More

9 Ways for Church Leaders to Lose the Trust of Other Believers

I spend a lot of time with pastors and church members—and I’m often an ear for them when they’re hurting or angry. Particularly, I often hear when church folks no longer trust their leaders. Be aware of these actions that might cost you the trust of others.... Read More

5 Types of Ministry Rejection Every Leader Faces

Ministry is a beautiful and thrilling call, and if the Lord has called you to it, there’s no other place you should be. But be prepared—rejection will come in its various forms, bringing frustration and doubt in its wake, seeking, if possible, to get you out of ministry. Here are just a few forms of ministry rejection you should expect to face. Read More

How to Disagree with Your Pastor

Should you ... disagree with your pastor? Should you confront these leaders with something they have done wrong? Should you point out their omissions? Let me respond by offering ten guidelines for you to consider. Read More

5 Ways to Teach Kids to Apply Scripture

The apostle Paul says everything in the Bible was “written to teach us” (Rom. 15:4). Because the Bible was written in various times and contexts, we are left with the challenge of figuring out how God’s Word applies to us. Or as David Powlison said, “Your challenge is always to reapply Scripture afresh, because God’s purpose is always to rescript your life.”

How do we go about the process of applying the Scripture to our own lives? Here are five general ways that you should teach kids. Read More

4 Reasons to Offer Sunday School

Why should your church go to the trouble to have such a program with an enormous need for volunteers? Let me offer four reasons. Read More

10 Reasons Why the Global Campus Is the Future of Mission

International students are the key to global mission. Read More

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