
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Need to Talk about Church Size and More

Why We Have To Talk About Church Size

Let’s ask the questions that need to be asked, and offer honest, grace-filled answers that tell us what we need to know. Read More

Epstein, Abuse, the Log in Our Own Eye: It's Not Just Out There

Jeffrey Epstein's case is disturbing—and in some ways it mirrors the abuse crisis in the church. Read More

Stop Obsessing Over Younger Generations

Reaching young people is important, but not to the detriment of reaching established generations. Read More

How God Uses Divine Appointments

It’s no coincidence that God brings the people he does into our lives. Read More

5 Reasons to Disentangle Sexuality and Race

" I’ve reflected on the “wrong side of history” claim—compelling as it first appears—I’ve come to see five fundamental problems with equating same-sex marriage to mixed-race marriage." Rebecca McLaughlin Read More

No Matter Where You Are, Religious Freedom Is Getting Worse

A decade of analysis from Pew details what global faith leaders already know: From China to Europe, from the Middle East to the US, persecution is climbing. Read More

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