
Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Being One and Making One and More

Philippines: Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple

Making disciples who make disciples is at the heart of Frontline Worship Center in San Pablo City, Philippines. Read More

Why Break Church Growth Barriers? (And Why This Question Matters)

Before learning how to get bigger, every church needs to ask if it should get bigger. Read More

Pastor, God Grows Churches

In this post Graham Heslop reminds us that God, not men or methods, grow churches. We can plant, we can water, and we can weed. But God causes the young plants to sprout, to grow and to yield a harvest. Read More

How Your Church Can Look More Like Your Neighborhood

Neighborhoods around the world are changing. Rising immigration, financial instability, and social mobility are bringing together new people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups. Some Christians are tempted to respond to these shifts with fear and defensiveness. But God commands us to love and embrace the people he’s sovereignly put around us. In short, he’s calling your church to look more like your neighborhood. Read More

Enjoy Your Summer Vacation—Just Don’t Vacate The Church

The last few years, however, I’ve noticed a trend. It almost seems that as students return home, cottages open, and lakes warm up, Christians begin to adopt a vacational mindset towards the church. The problem here is not planning a few weeks away with the family but the symptoms that emerge when church fellowship is viewed as optional, inconvenient, or even unhelpful. Convinced of the danger of this trend and convicted by my own failure in the matter, here are five reasons why I believe we should all make church a priority not only for the summertime but throughout the year. Read More
Christians' taking a vacation from church during the summer has been a longstanding problem. In some Christians' minds the church year and the school year are synonymous even when they no longer have school age children. One way that churches have dealt with this problem is to offer a summer program that makes going to church a lot more fun than staying home during the summer. It also undercuts one of the excuses that Christians make for taking a summer vacation from church: I want to spend more time with the kids.
5 Reasons Why The Church Is Not Irrelevant

This article is not written as a position of defense. It’s not a “how to” article to fix all the problems. It’s a clear reminder of foundational truths that help us all stay focused no matter the pressure or opposition, and practical helps to keep going. Read More

6 Common Gaps Church Leaders Need to Be Aware of

These are gaps that commonly plague churches, and will plague yours if you don’t keep an eye out for them. Read More

3 Ways to Engage People with Scripture

Here are three ways to engage people with Scripture. Read More

How Many Protestant Church Goers Actually Read the Bible Regularly

Christians say the Bible is God’s Word, but even among Protestant churchgoers only a third spend time reading it every day. Read More

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