
Thursday, August 15, 2019

W. H. Griffith Thomas: "A Sacrament of Our Redemption"

An Enquiry into the Meaning of the Lord’s Supper in the New Testament and the Church of England

W. H. Griffith Thomas wrote two books on the Lord's Supper, "A Sacrament of Our Redemption" An Enquiry into the Meaning of the Lord’s Supper in the New Testament and the Church of England, and a shorter work, What Did Our Lord Mean? Notes on The Holy Communion. Both are available to read online or download on the Internet Archive website. "A Sacrament of Our Redemption" (Second Edition) is available to read online on the Church Society website. As Griffith Thomas notes in the Preface of the first edition of "A Sacrament of Our Redemption,", "The present little work is offered as a slight contribution to the cause of Bible truth and genuine Church doctrine on this important subject." Both are works are recommended reading for anyone who wishes to learn more about the historic Anglican understanding of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

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