
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Sola Scriptura and Christian Charity and More

Sola Scriptura and Christian Charity

The sufficiency of Scripture is a precious tenet we must defend, especially in a pluralistic culture that denies the uniqueness of Christian revelation and the exclusivity of the gospel. But I also believe this tenet is one of the most misused and misunderstood doctrines in evangelicalism today. Read More

Pastors, Invite Newcomers to Lunch

We’ve all heard the old adage about the revolving church door. People come in and, before we know what happened, they leave, never to return. But what if this didn’t have to be the case? How do we treat those visiting or relatively new to our churches in ways that make them know we are glad they came? Although there are lots of ways to do this, I want to briefly look at one routine event: mealtimes. Meals are great ways to get to know people and extend hospitality. Read More

Don’t Trust in Your Christianity

Here are eight deadly ways we can look, feel, and act like Christians without actually trusting in Christ. Read More

College Ministry 101: Changing Religious Landscape Prompts Campus Shifts

As new freshmen arrive at college this fall, they may find a campus ministry different from what reached previous generations. Read More

How to Teach Kids the Bible to Capture Their Attention

How would you like to be a Bible teacher that captures kids' attention? A teacher that kids look forward to hearing? A teacher that kids can't wait to learn from? You can be. Here are 10 tips that can help you be a great kids' Bible teacher. Read More

The ‘Jeykll and Hyde’ Church: The Long Journey Back to Our Mission

Why does it seem the church is unable to be who she is called to be? Read More

Nine Reasons Christians Fail to Evangelize [Video]

In this Rainer Report Thom Rainer examines why Christians are failing to evangelize. Watch Now

10 Ways to Build an Evangelistic Church Culture

A church is likely to be enthusiastic about evangelism as its pastor. Building a culture of evangelism takes time—years or even decades. Read More

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