
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: A New Church Planting Series and More

Church Planting Series: Why Don’t We Plant?

In this first of five articles, I want to shed some light on what may be hindering us from kingdom work. Read More
Christ Church, Covington (Episcopal) experienced a growth spurt after it launched St. Michael's, Mandeville in the mid-1980s--one of the benefits of church planting. It would go from two services on Sunday morning to three services. Planting a new church in the shadow of an older church can also breathe fresh life into the older church. It can motivate the members of the older church to make much needed changes and to become outward-looking.
Chad Fisher: Whatever It Takes—Part 1

Chad Fisher’s unlikely path from serving with the National Guard in the Middle East to planting one of the fastest-growing churches in America. Read More
Also see Chad Fisher: Building a Focused, Simple Church—Part 2
5 Reasons It’s Good for Your Church to Grow Slowly

Many of us want a big church but sometimes God has other plans. Read More

Catholicism Made Me Protestant

Onsi A. Kamel shares how Rome brought him to the Reformation. Read More

5 Ways Church Leaders Destroy Their Teams

Are you falling into any of these bad leadership habits? Read More

Rely on the Word of God Alone, Not on Techniques

Andy Davis stresses the centrality of the proclamation and explication of God's Word to church revitalization. Read More

The Way Home: Matt Smethurst on Reading the Bible [Podcast]

When it comes to reading the Bible, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Matt Smethurst joins Daniel Darling in this podcast to share about nine heart postures that will help prepare you to read the Bible. Matt is the Managing Editor of The Gospel Coalition and author of Before You Open Your Bible: Nine Heart Postures For Approaching God’s Word. Listen Now

Why Chris Tomlin Still Dominates Both Radio and Sunday Morning

Today’s most-sung worship anthems come from relatively few songwriters—half are by top hitmakers Tomlin, Hillsong, Bethel Music, and Matt Redman. Read More

The Best New Worship Songs of the 2010s

The following 35 songs are my picks for the best new worship songs written and released between 2010 and 2020. In compiling this list I focused on songs that are both theologically sound and musically beautiful; as well as songs that are easy to sing and, in most cases, already widely sung in congregations around the world. Some have been certifiable “hits” on the praise charts. Others are lesser known. All are songs I hope the church keeps singing, and keeps remembering, for years to come. Read More

Don’t Let Social Media Make You Cynical

Before allowing cynicism to sour our perception of others, let’s first look for what’s good, excellent and praiseworthy about the real people sitting on the other side of our screens. May we build one another up through humility and give grace to those who post. Read More

The Iranian Church Is the Fastest Growing in the World

It’s a simple story that can be summarized in just two sentences: Persecution threatened to wipe out Iran’s tiny church. Instead, the Iranian church has become the fastest growing in the world, and it is influencing the region for Christ. Read More

Duke University, Methodism & Discrimination

The Student Government Senate of United Methodist related Duke University in North Carolina has refused to recognize Young Life, an evangelical young adult ministry, because it upholds traditional views on sex, which was deemed “discrimination.” Read More

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