
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday Lagniappe: Why Denominations and Networks Matter and More

Why Denominations and Networks Matter

Here are five reasons why denominations, conventions, associations, cooperatives, collectives, networks, and other affiliations matter.... Read More

One of the Most Revealing Questions to Ask Your Church

Some of the best learning experiences as a leader come when you ask a good question and listen. After twenty years of researching churches, I’ve found one question more than any other seems to get people talking. Read More

Two Kinds of Sermons that Seem Expositional But Really Aren’t

Too many sermons focus on the biblical text, but fail to exposit the main point of the scriptural passage under consideration. To be clear, this critique isn’t merely an academic or definitional one. If a sermon fails to unpack the main point of the text at hand, the pastor is failing to preach the whole counsel of God regardless of how throughly the speaker examines the scriptural passage. Such a sermon fails to communicate what God intended to communicate by inspiring that text. Read More

4 Marks of Faithful Preaching

Jason K. Allen examines what he sees as four general marks of faithful preaching. Read More

Preach Like a Church Planter

Peyton Hill explains why he believes all preachers must preach like church planters. Read More

Are We Worshiping Worship Songs?

David Santistevan raises an important question, "Are we worshiping the songs we use in worship?" Read More

Tithing Over Text Is Now a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

Digital giving is boosting the church’s bottom line—as well as companies like Pushpay and, who process the donations. Read More

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