
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday's Catch: Effective Follow Up and More

Five Keys to Effective Follow Up

Just like you don’t communicate with your 14-year-old nephew and your 80-year-old grandmother the same way, you’ll use many different methods to follow up with different groups in your church. But there are a few defining characteristics of a great follow-up process that are important for every follow up process you have. Read More

Why Some Churches Wait to Long to Replant

Admitting and starting to replant or revitalize can be hard for churches. In this podcast Thom Rainer, Mark Clifton, and Jonathan Howe cover seven reasons many churches fail to take the needed action. Listen Now

Church Multiplication, Church Planting & Multisite with Daniel Im

In this podcast Rich Birch is joined by Daniel Im, an author and teaching pastor at the Fellowship Church in Nashville.Daniel is from Canada, and he has traveled across the world to help plant churches. He has been in Nashville for the last four years and also works with LifeWay to help provide resources for church planters and multisite churches. Daniel is with us today to talk about church planting, multisite creation, and what strategies work in different contexts. Listen Now

7 Lies about Discipleship and What to Do about It

In nearly 20 years of ministry, here are seven lies about discipleship I’ve seen too many church believe. Read More

3 Kinds of Kingdom Interactions (Not All of Them Are Evangelism)

If outreach builds a bridge through relationship, evangelism walks across that bridge at the right time with the specifics of the gospel message. Read More

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