
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday's Catch: The Importance of Becoming a Welcoming Church and More

Six Reasons Why Focusing on Becoming a Welcoming Church Is Key to Revitalization [Podcast]

Having a welcoming team doesn’t take a lot of resources—it basically requires people. It doesn’t cost your church much at all, but the benefits are endless. In this podcast Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe share how you can make that happen and why you need to. Listen Now

5 Mistakes Church Leaders Make When Attendance Declines

Every church I’ve served has had ups and downs with attendance. Some seasons are times of growth—which are fun because the staff is energized, the congregation is happy, and you sleep easy at night. Other seasons are seasons of decline—which can be maddening because the staff is stressed, the congregation is concerned, and you have sleepless nights. Before you start putting together references or blasting out your résumé, let me warn you of five common mistakes church leaders often make when attendance declines. Read More

The Church is a Means of Grace

The local congregation in its entirety, where each has been gifted by the Spirit for the benefit of others, is regularly used by the Spirit for our salvation and sanctification in Christ. Read More

5 Ways to Lead the Next Generation of Workers

How do we teach this important value of work in an effort to raise the next generation of workers? Here are some ideas to consider, especially if you’re a student pastor, children’s ministry leader, or a parent. Read More

‘She Has a Spirit of ______.’ But Are Such Phrases Biblical?

Since the Scriptures don’t avoid “spirit of” language, we shouldn’t be too quick to dismiss those who do. We may be dismissing wisdom. All this forces the question: what does the Bible mean when it speaks this way? The answer is complicated. Read More

6 Reasons “Don’t Take It Personally” Is Bad Ministry Advice

When you spend your ministry time with people you know and love, it has to be personal. Read More

7 Invisible Weapons for Effective Ministry

Many of God’s weapons are slow, subtle, almost secretive. Like yeast in bread or water coming to a boil, God loves to work in ways that require extended faith and the wisdom of spiritual foresight. With that in mind, here are seven secret weapons in ministry. Read More

11 Books on Prayer Every Christian Should Read at Least Once

These 11 books on prayer will challenge your view of prayer, the church, and God. More than anything, they will bolster your fervent prayer life in ways you cannot even imagine. Read More
I would add Rosalind Rinker's Prayer: Conversation with God (1959) and Conversational Prayer: A Handbook for Groups (1970) to this list. Asbury University has a short bio on Rosalind Rinker on its website.
If You Want Your Kids to Own Their Faith, Teach Them to Think Critically about Their Faith

A great way to teach your kids right beliefs is to get them to memorize a catechism. A catechism is a summary of core Christian beliefs in the form of questions and answers. Catechism is important. It helps our students know important theological truths. But it’s not enough. Read More

5 Tips for Training Little Evangelists

Faithful speech doesn’t need to rely on formulas. Read More

Reviving Evangelism [Podcast]

In this podcast, Dr.Darrell Bock, Nathan Wagnon and Kevin Palau discuss evangelism, focusing on how the Church can respond to an apparent downward trend in personal evangelism. Watch Now

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