
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The United Methodist Church Split and More

The United Methodist Church Split: 4 Proposals for the Future

As a United Methodist Church split looms large due to conflicts over homosexuality, various options for the denomination’s future have now been submitted. These proposals, due last week, will be considered at next year’s General Conference in Minneapolis. UMC leaders will meet from May 5 to 15 to determine the future of America’s second-largest Protestant denomination. Read More

Let’s Stop Playing Guilt-by-Association Games

If we are called to love our enemies, how much more should we love people with whom we have strong disagreements? Read More

5 Questions to Ask about Your Theological Education

How should leaders advise those seeking vocational ministry training in this age? Each conversation I’ve had is different. However, there are five questions I ask to help each one decide how they should prepare themselves for ministry. Read More

Errors in Thinking That Stunt Church Growth

Watch out for these “thinkholes” taken from Will Mancini’s book, ‘Church Unique.’ Read More

The Horror of a Different Jesus

Our pluralistic, consumer driven society is all about choices, options, and diversity. If you don’t like what you see, be patient; another version, an updated edition, a new and improved alternative will soon appear. Read More

Does James Really Contradict Paul?

The central controversy of the Protestant Reformation hinged, at least in part, on how to understand the difference between Paul and James. Read More

Best Church Websites – ChurchJuice Picks the Top 15

We’ve spent dozens of hours searching the web to find the best church websites in North America. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, and the list is not ranked in any order. Here are the questions we asked while searching church websites.... Read More

10 Things Every New Christian Should Know

Here are the top ten things that Brian Mavis thinks a new Christian should know during the first year. Read More

5 Shifts to Mobilize Your Church for Global Mission Involvement

We needed to identify areas where we were stuck concerning our missions involvement. Consider these five shifts we made from being stuck to taking next steps in participating in God’s global mission. Read More

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