
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: Faithful Friendships and More

Why Christians Have a Knack for Boundary-Crossing Friendships

Throughout history, believers have taken risks of love for the sake of the kingdom. Read More

Churches Are Saving Ethiopia’s Last Remaining Native Trees

How Tewahedo Orthodox theology led congregations to become an oasis of forest conservation. Read More

How (Not) to Lose Your Soul in Church Planting: 3 Shifts

One of the prevalent problems that I and many other church planters face is how to truly love Jesus more than his mission. Read More

How Preaching Might Be Contributing to Deconversions

We must be open to questions, dialogue and differing opinions if we are going to reach our postmodern culture. Read More

Church Websites — Remove the Barriers!

It’s quite disheartening to me that there are so many churches that still do not realize the importance of church websites. I guarantee you that almost every newcomer that comes through your doors on a Sunday has been to your website. Read More

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