
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

7 Things I Miss About Church Planting

Here are ways the experience of planting a church is different than leading an established church.

I only had four church experiences in vocational ministry. I served twice in traditional churches where God allowed us to bring a renewed energy and growth to established churches. I was also part of two successful church plants.

God was so good to us in each of these churches—we saw growth in the churches and the people. We loved every experience and the people in each church.

I remember in our last church, which was one of the established churches, that one of our staff members, had never served in a church plant. He was a great minister, but as we shared stories, he was fascinated by how different things were at times in church planting versus the established church. Our conversation reminded me, as much as I love the established church, there were some things I missed about church planting.

There is a companion post needed of the things I enjoyed about the established church. There are certainly benefits to an established church. I actually encourage many pastors to consider church revitalization even over church planting.

I do love things about both worlds, but they are different in many ways. Read More

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