
Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: The Spirit of Methodism and More

One-on-One with Jeffrey Barbeau on Methodism

Ed Stetzer interviews Dr. Jeffrey Barbeau about his latest book, The Spirit of Methodism. Dr. Barbeau serves as Professor of Theology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. Dr. Barbeau offers his view of the crisis in United Methodism. He also touches on the Anglican heritage of John and Charles Wesley. Read More

They Aren't Heretics Because You Disagree with Them

Not long ago, I saw a link to a promised comprehensive catalog offering “definitive” proof of heresies. What I found was a list of various teachings or situations the compiler found problematic: a different view of women’s roles in the church, a different position on how the gifts of the Spirit are manifested today, friendship with—or sharing a platform with—people who teach wacky things. I will admit some of this raises my own eyebrow, and none of it is beyond biblical scrutiny, but in terms of proving a charge of false teaching, I should say I find these catalogs of alleged malfeasance a bit…lacking. And here’s why.... Read More

Rejecting Self-Centered Christianity

I belong to a great denomination that is known for its passion for evangelism and missions. Nevertheless, the number of people being baptized each year is steadily declining. This fact bewilders many. How can a group of churches that has a high regard for God’s Word, prioritizes evangelism and missions, and makes numerous resources available to equip its people not be growing rapidly? There are a few compelling reasons. Read More

10 Safety and Security Mistakes Churches Make

We live in a new reality. And the reality is families can be attacked at the store, while at work, while at the movie theater, at a sporting event, at school and yes, even at church. More than ever, we must have safety and security measures in place if we are going to reach families. The average Millennial parents are not going to return to your church if they see that safety and security is lacking. Read More

4 Ways to Revolutionize Your Bible Reading

From the patristic age to the Reformation, Christian teachers roamed freely across the canon because they had stored it in the palace of memory. It’s probably too much to hope we can replicate their knowledge of Scripture. But is there a way to approximate it? Perhaps, if we grasp and practice four axioms. Read More
One caveat--a liturgy may incorporate numerous texts from the Bible but not be Biblical in its content. These texts may not be used to teach what the Bible teaches but something entirely different.

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