
Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Tuesday's Catch: Syrian Christians to US: ‘Don’t Abandon Us Now’ and More

Syrian Christians to US: ‘Don’t Abandon Us Now’

After surviving a civil war and ISIS attacks, the Christian minority fears a Turkish takeover in Kurdish border region. Read More
We see a similar story played out in the Bible. The people of Israel put their trust in earthly rulers only have these rulers prove themselves not worthy of their trust.
Why We Must Speak Up for the Vulnerable

When injustice affects one part of creation, it affects us all. Read More

8 Things Not to Do When Planting a Church

Here’s a list of things Ron Edmondson writes he wouldn’t do again if he were planting another church. Read More

Give the Bible Functional Authority in Your Church

Any church we want to see planted, if it is to be what God has designed it to be, must be established according to Scripture. Read More

Five Church Membership Models [Podcast]

Every church has varying membership requirements. In today’s podcast Thom and Sam Rainer discuss membership classes and the strengths and weaknesses of church expectations. Listen Now

Roman Catholicism and the Battle Over Words [Video]

Roman Catholics may use words like “grace” and “faith,” but they often have very different meanings. In this brief clip, Leonardo De Chirico explains one of the main challenges coming from present-day Roman Catholicism. Watch Now

Why Do People Keep Pastors at Arm’s Length?

Ordination can be isolating, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Read More

The Bible Is More Than the Sum of Its Books

Why Christians read the diversity within the canon as a unified whole. Read More

3 Steps to Understanding a Tricky Passage

In this article Jesse Johnson gives three steps to help those studying the Bible to understand tricky passages. Read More
The basics of Bible interpretation is something that every pastor should teach to his congregation, enabling its members to feed themselves from God's Word and to grow in spiritual maturity as disciples.
Manipulative Repentance: 8 Red Flag Phrases

In this post, Brad Hambrick seeks to accomplish two things. First, he attempts to clarify two common misperceptions about manipulation. Second, he discusses a series of phrases commonly used in repentance that can be red flags that the remorse being expressed will not lead to healthy relational restoration. Read More

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