
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Called to Discipleship, Called to Community

Why the Christian Life is a Call to Community

The mom with three small children, the overseas missionary, the 50-year-old caring for aging parents, the one who’s chronically sick—they’ll tell you there’s no cookie-cutter shape for community. But one thing’s for certain: we need each other. Read More

7 Practical and Everyday Ways to Encourage

he ability to encourage others is an essential skill for any leader. The desire to encourage others is an essential disposition of the heart for any leader. In fact, if encouragement is not a natural part of your leadership, you may unintentionally push people away from you rather than draw them to you. Read More
Encouraging others, whether they are fellow Christians or non-believers, is a part of Christian discipleship. It is not something that only church leaders should be expected to do.
12 Vital Reasons Each of Us Should Be Part of A Church

Do you really need to be involved in a church? Can’t believers just worship Jesus on their own? Why do we need to be involved in “organized religion?” It seems like a growing trend that many Christians don’t believe they need to be part of a church. Read More

The 3 Kinds of People in Every Church

In Judson Edward’s book, The Leadership Labyrinth, he describes 21 paradoxes in ministry. He defines the ‘relationship paradox’ in this way: the people who like you the most will be the ones you try least to please. He then writes that these three kinds of people fill every church. His insights are quite helpful. Read More

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