
Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Wednesday's Catch: How to Discover Your Purpose and More

How to Live and Lead with Purpose

God created each of us on purpose with a purpose. Knowing your purpose, meaning what God calls you to do, is essential to lead. Read More

Five Constants in Seasons of Transition

In the last two months, I have transitioned from one fast-paced organization to another. It’s been fast, busy, and a ton of fun. The only thing constant about life is change and transition. Every day we take one step closer to something new and one step away from something old. Recently, I paused to reflect on what I am learning during this time of change. Here are 5 constants to keep in mind during a season of transition. Read More

What Purpose-Driven Means to Generation Z

The idea of an organization of any kind being “purpose-driven” is not only strategic, but it is what will most capture the attention of the youngest, largest generation on the planet—Generation Z. I wrote about this in my book Meet Generation Z, but the studies continue to confirm and even enlarge upon understanding how important this is to this generation. Read More

Come On In! 10 Tips for Welcoming Guests into Your Church Building

We know many churches around the world don’t have the luxury of implementing this advice. However, if your church is located in a more affluent context, these tips may be helpful for making your guests feel welcome. Read More

10 Principles To Get The Best From Volunteer Church Leaders

Leaders will attend and volunteer at churches where they are honored as people and where their hard work and leadership skills are recognized and valued. Read More

Effective Leadership Is Dynamic and Empowering

Bill Gates thinks successful leaders will be those who empower others. I believe that this applies to church leadership as well. Read More

We Dare Not Ignore the Devil

Western evangelicals in general are not in danger of an overapplication of demonization. We are far more in danger of under-application — of a functional, unbiblical naturalism. This is partly due to cultural blind-spot assumptions. But increasingly, it is also a result of the growing cultural cost of supernaturalism. Read More

On Pastoring a Small Church [Podcast]

Pastoring small churches comes with unique challenges. In this Pastors’ Talk episode, Jonathan Leeman, Mark Dever, PJ Tibayan, and Jonathan Worsley discuss the blessings and burdens of shepherding a small flock. Listen Now

Small-Town Pastor, Preach Bespoke Sermons

Small-town pastor, you’ve just stepped into the pulpit. Bibles are open, eyes are up, people are waiting—and it strikes you once again how few of them there are. Just 40 souls (not all of whom are guaranteed to remain awake while you preach). There’s no sound equipment to record your sermon, and no website to post it to anyway. Your congregation doesn’t know what a podcast is, and no one beyond your congregation knows who you are. You will speak for 30 minutes, and your sermon will never again be heard in this mortal life. It will live on only in the memories of those assembled. You’ve labored all week on it. Was it a waste? Read More

How to Convince People to Get Involved in Small Groups

People today are often extremely busy, including me. We have countless things going on at work, at home, even at church. With so many demands on our lives and limited time available to satisfy them all, small groups can easily get lost in the shuffle. We must be intentional in how we lead our congregations in order to shape a culture of small-group involvement. Read More

How to Create the Perfect Church Website

Before your church’s website can even completely load, the average visitor has already formed a first impression. It takes just 50 milliseconds. In a flash, they’ve already decided whether they want to continue engaging with you (through your site) or move on to the next church on their Google search results page. The takeaway? You better have a great website. Potential visitors are coming to your website to learn more about your church—to gather information, and see if your church is the right fit for them. So how can you quickly and effectively engage more people through your website? Here are 4 tips for creating a great church website. Read More

Pastor, Don’t Imply That Church Is Optional

All across the world this weekend, people will gather in groups—some bigger, many smaller—to worship Jesus. To sing songs, to pray together, to hear God’s Word preached. Voluntarily. No one forces millions of people to show up, to come together for worship, and yet it happens. It happens not just this week, but every single Sunday. Unfortunately, as recent surveys show, the percentage of Americans attending church has declined in recent years, even in evangelical denominations. The decline of churchgoers isn’t massive, but the data suggest that the infrequent attenders from 20 or 30 years ago have moved further away while the religiously devoted (though a slightly lower percentage) continue to attend. Read More

6 Mistakes Churches Often Make with New Believers

Most of us won’t ever meet Kanye West, but hopefully we’re constantly engaging with people who have professed newfound faith in Jesus Christ. Too often we meet such professions of faith—especially when they come from the mouths of people we least expect—with deep skepticism. But what we owe new believers is not a clenched fist, but an open hand. So instead of eye rolls, let’s offer biblical responses. Here are six things the church often gets wrong when a new believer comes into the fold. Read More

When You Are Persecuted in One Place, Flee to Another. But Not to America.

Both US policy and Middle East wisdom discourage suffering Christians from resettling in the West. Read More

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