
Monday, December 30, 2019

10 Ways the World Changed Dramatically in the 2010s

Time flies. And while you’re busy leading, the world is busy changing, again.

While many of us remember 2010 like it was yesterday, it wasn’t yesterday. Things have changed, a lot. And we’re again on the verge of a fresh decade—the 2020s.

In leadership, it’s critical to know what’s changing and why it’s changing so you can keep leading well. Leaders who fail to notice the subtle or even significant shifts as they happen end up becoming irrelevant. Irrelevance matters in leadership only because relevance gives you permission to speak into the culture.

The culture has a habit of ignoring people it deems irrelevant (if you think about it, so do you). Relevance doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with what you see around you, but it does mean understanding it.

So with that in mind, here are ten things that have changed a lot in the last decade, and then shifts you can make to help you lead well into it.

After all, it’s difficult to impact a world you don’t understand. Read More

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