
Friday, December 06, 2019

2 Ways to Approach Outreach This Christmas

Imagine planning a nationwide evangelistic campaign that invites millions to an outreach event—millions who would not ordinarily attend. Imagine the logistics. Imagine organizing tens of thousands of churches in a joint effort. Imagine the publicity, the expense, the potential for infighting, the potential for outfighting!

Now imagine the campaign actually worked. Except, instead of delivering a few thousand guests to fill a stadium, the campaign actually drew people to a worship service in your church.

Well, imagine no longer: this is the evangelistic opportunity gift-wrapped for us each Christmas.

At least where I live (in the UK), attendance at Christmas services has been increasing. Each year, this “evangelistic campaign” rolls around with recognized “branding” that would be the envy of any PR company. Each year, well-loved “campaign theme songs” are piped into shopping centers and broadcast across the airwaves. “Come, Let Us Adore Him,” the song says—and millions respond by showing up to a worshiping community, hearing the Word of God, and singing his praises.

Christmas is a phenomenal opportunity for the gospel. Here are two ways your church can embrace it. Read More

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