
Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Questions for Great Stage Communication

As a leader, you must communicate, it may be to 30, 300, or 3,000, but there simply is no option.

How effective you are is up to you.

Some leaders are more gifted in communication than others, but great communication is never limited to only the superstars. You don’t have to be in the top-rated Ted Talk speakers to be a highly effective leader.

Here’s more encouraging news, regardless of the level of your natural talent, if you focus on intentional practice, you can improve. I list some tools and practices for improvement at the end of this post.

Former President Ronald Reagan was known as The Great Communicator. That title wasn’t an award; it was just true.

President Reagan was optimistic when he spoke, had a quick wit and sense of humor, gave hope, and had a deep belief in what he spoke about. He possessed a natural connection with people that allowed him to speak truth with folksy wisdom that captured young and old alike.

How about you, what distinguishes you as a communicator? Read More

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