
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Acquisition Versus Retention

In the business world, there is a clear understanding about the dynamic between acquisition vs. retention. Meaning the value of gaining new customers vs. keeping existing customers. Both, of course, are important.

What is clearly understood is that while it’s important to expand your customer base, it is imperative to keep your existing customers. Far too many businesses focus more energy on acquisition alone because...

... getting a new customer is harder than keeping a current one,

... getting a new customer is more expensive than keeping a current one,

... and getting a new customer to the “place” of a current customer takes time.

But keeping current customers and building loyalty is just as valuable.

Think about someone who buys a car. Smart car dealers know that this is not the end of the game, but the beginning. After the sale, there are oil changes and new tires, repairs and tune-ups.

Not to mention the buying, in the future, of new cars. Keeping that customer is gold.

Churches need to learn from this. I know, the crass consumerism in which this has been laid out is distasteful and not fully applicable to the Christ life, much less Christian community.

But play with it for a minute. Read More

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