
Thursday, December 26, 2019

How Pregnancy Resource Centers Offer Help and Hope in Jesus’ Name

When Rosa* first visited the pregnancy center where I volunteer, she was accompanied by her husband. He spoke only a little English, she none at all. She stood somewhat behind him as he and I attempted to communicate, her gaze fixed on the ground. After much gesturing and pointing, on my part as well as her husband’s, we were able to figure out what size diapers and clothing they needed for their children. Rosa never said a word.

Over the next few years, Rosa and her husband would come by regularly for diapers and other things. We learned that they were believers active in a local Hispanic church. Her husband would sometimes ask us for a Spanish Bible he could give away to someone in their church.

Rosa slowly gained more confidence both in her ability to communicate with us and in our center as a safe and welcoming place for her and her children. Eventually she felt secure enough that she came in alone. One of my fellow volunteers saw Rosa not too long ago in the parking lot of a local business. Rosa called out and waved, greeting the center volunteer as her friend. Read More

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