
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What Is Sin?

What Is Sin?

In the little Children’s Catechism that we use at our church the question is answered this way:

“Sin is any lack of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God.”

‘Conformity’ is defined this way: “Not being or doing what God requires.”

‘Transgression’ is defined this way: “Doing what God forbids”.

That’s a pretty good start

Sin is acting or behaving in a way that does not conform with God’s character or commands. It is about crossing lines that have been laid down for us by God. Sin is thus an act of rebellion and distrust. It is us saying to God: “You don’t get to make the rules! I am capable of deciding right and wrong for myself!” Read More
On the eve of the day the Western Church celebrates the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Nazarene, God's Anointed One, we do well to reflect upon the nature of sin, the ways that sin can impact our lives, and how Jesus delivered us from its sway and restored us to a right relationship with God through his suffering and death upon the cross. The babe who was born in Bethlehem and laid in a manager would one day bear the sins of the whole world. 

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