
Monday, January 20, 2020

10 Ways Pastors Can Encourage Church Attendance

Since coming to faith in Christ at age 15, I’ve had a strong desire to gather with the body of Christ. Even hearing not-so-stellar preaching and being with cantankerous people, I always loved gathering with God’s people.

When isolation due to chemotherapy kept me from church for four months in 2019, my deepest longing was to be with God’s people. I even asked our tech director to leave the livestream on after the service so I might see the people mingle. Gathering with the body seems natural.

Yet church members are wired differently, face varied issues, battle individualism, and struggle with numerous spiritual matters. So while church participation should be an automatic for Christians, it doesn’t always happen. Nevertheless, attentive shepherds can help spur faithful participation.

Here are 10 ways I’ve found useful in 40-plus years of pastoral ministry. Read More

Also See:
7 Ways to Grow Church Attendance by Increasing Engagement

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