
Saturday, January 25, 2020

4 Tips for Passion in a Rural Church

I (Matt) remember it like it was yesterday. “I don’t know that you’ll like it here, brother,” a member of the search committee said, “There’s not much to do. You might be bored.”

Underneath my polite smile were two eyes rolling and the reminder I have four daughters—there’s no such thing as bored. But let’s be honest, it was a town of 60 folks in the absolute middle of nowhere.

Though we did have a café, we had a convenience store plastered with racist epitaphs, a gas station without gas, and were nearly an hour away from the nearest Walmart.

There really wasn’t much to do. Read More
Kyle Bueermann (FBC Alamogordo) and Matt Henslee (Mayhill Baptist Church) co-authored Replanting Rural Churches: God's Plan and Call for the Middle of Nowhere (Replant Series Book 9). They have written a number of articles and made a number of podcasts. They can be heard at NotAnotherBaptistPodcast.Com.

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