
Wednesday, January 01, 2020

4 Ways to Make Reading Your Bible a Daily Habit in 2020

Charles Spurgeon said, “Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.” The more we read the Bible, the more likely we are to wish we read more of it. That’s what the State of the Bible 2019 found when they surveyed people on how consistently they interacted with the Bible and how much it shaped their choices and relationships. Based on people’s responses, people were placed into five different categories according to their engagement with the Bible: disengaged, neutral, friendly, engaged, and centered.

Fifty-six percent of all adults “wish that they used the Bible more”—but that rose to 80% among Bible-friendly adults, 89% for Bible-engaged, and 94% for Bible-centered. So research tells us that the more someone engages with God’s Word the more they long to engage God’s Word. Reading the Scripture develops our tastebuds to read it more.

So how do we change our habits to create more and better times in God’s Word? Read More

Also See:
Seize the Morning: New Habits for a New Year

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