
Tuesday, January 07, 2020

How Do You Define Evangelism?

Evangelism at its simplest is the telling of the gospel. But evangelism includes not just the telling.

“The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.”

Whether Socrates actually said this or it is a conflation of his thought, the point is made: we won’t get far in discussing a subject without clearly defining the terms.

First, let’s see what evangelism isn’t. Evangelism is not the same as mission.

Mission refers to God’s larger plan of redemption and our role as a sent people, and as such includes not only the verbal proclamation of Christ, but also such things as learning the culture and language of an area, caring for physical and emotional needs, and being salt in an area even as we shine the light of the gospel message.

As his followers join him on his mission, we both show and share his love with others.

Part of the problem comes when people confuse the overarching mission with the task of evangelism. The mission involves both gospel demonstration and gospel proclamation. A vital part of the mission is gospel proclamation, which is what evangelism is. Read More

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