
Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan: 3 Places Where God Is at Work

She lived in a godless city and sold her body for sex. By all human perspectives, there was really no hope for her to ever come to faith. She was spiritually hard soil, if ever there was such. But she heard about the salvation of the one true God and put her trust in him. And so it came to be that Rahab the harlot’s name is forever inscribed in the book of Hebrews’ “Hall of Faith.”

God isn’t limited by the terms we give to “hard soil” locations. His eyes don’t get big with distress when we say “10/40 window” or “countries of war” or “threat of persecution.” Just like he has since the beginning, God is working in the darkness to shine his light into hearts and build his church among all peoples. Here are three places in Central Asia where God is working and some specific ways to pray. Read More

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