
Monday, January 20, 2020

The Confessions of a Recovering Evangelist

In a society full of people who would rather speak than listen, people are starving for someone who is willing to offer them their ears.

Years ago, I flew to Colorado to help people increase the quantity and the quality of their God conversations in a church in Colorado Springs. On the shuttle ride over from the Denver airport to my rental car company, I struck up a conversation with a young man in his early twenties. He had just flown back into the U.S. after a year of graduate study abroad. We started talking about his career aspirations after his studies were finished.

Timeout: As we are going about our day, I believe Jesus intended for us to take the initiative to be friendly and openhearted (outwardly focused) towards those we meet. In a society full of people who would rather speak than listen, people are starving for someone who is willing to offer them their ears. Often, this simple practice of seeking to understand before we seek to be understood allows us to find common ground with others. The secret of being interesting in a conversation is to be interested in what others are passionate about. Read More

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