
Thursday, January 09, 2020

The Crucial Priority Our Churches Are Missing

The old saying, Take two Aspirins and call me in the morning, doesn’t really apply if you have a fast-growing cancer in your body. You need something far more drastic.

But if you don’t know the cancer exists, you’ll never take the necessary steps to address it. You’ll just continue self-medicating, hoping that eventually it’ll go away or fix itself.

To address a problem, we must first become aware of the problem. In order for that to happen, we must intentionally look internally and recognize any warning signs or symptoms that may provide indications that something is wrong.

When we as disciples of Jesus Christ take an honest look internally at our hearts, our passions, and our priorities as Christ-followers, we’ll discover there are certain things we naturally emphasize, and certain things we don’t prioritize at all. Read More

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