
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Churches Planting Churches and More

Should Church Planting Be Done Through People or Through Churches?

In today’s churches, we place more of an emphasis on church planting through people than we do church planting through churches. Read More

Planting Churches with a Lasting Gospel Legacy

Church planters invest significantly in a church’s launch. We prepare, plan, pray, and pour out our creative energy and pastoral heart on this seedling of a church. But are we starting churches that last? Are we planning and pastoring today for what our churches will become tomorrow? Read More

Four Statements That Stop Revitalization Cold in Its Tracks [Podcast]

The following four statements have the power to stop the important work of revitalization cold in its tracks. Thom and Kevin share stories, and discuss the importance of recognizing these problematic statements and how to address them before it’s too late. Listen Now

12 Keys to Picking Great Songs for Worship

Picking great songs for worship is one of the most important skills a worship leader needs to learn. There are many different kinds and levels of worship songs. Read More

Live As If Jesus Rules and Eternity Is Real

Have you ever seen someone trying to get out of a boat ... slowly? They’ve got one foot on the dock and one foot in the boat, and they just don’t want to commit. When you see that person on the dock, all you can think is, “Make a decision. And quick, buddy.” Because as the boat starts to drift away, it’s going to get really uncomfortable really fast. You’re either in or you’re out! Read More

Missionaries Need to Know What a Church Is: A Lesson from Adoniram Judson

Before being sent out, missionaries should come to a biblical, convictional understanding of what a church is. This was a lesson Adoniram Judson learned the hard way. Read More

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