
Friday, January 03, 2020

United Methodist Church Is Expected to Split over Gay Marriage, Fracturing the Nation’s Third-Largest Denomination - UPDATED

Church leaders agreed to spin off a ‘traditionalist Methodist’ denomination, and allow the remainder of the denomination to permit same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy for the first time in its history

The United Methodist Church is expected to split into two denominations in an attempt to end a years-long, contentious fight over same-sex marriage, church leaders announced Friday. The historic schism would divide the nation’s third-largest religious denomination.

Leaders of the church said they had agreed to spin off a “traditionalist Methodist” denomination, which would continue to oppose same-sex marriage and to refuse ordination to LGBT clergy, while allowing the remaining portion of the United Methodist Church to permit same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy for the first time in its history.

The plan would need to be approved in May at the denomination’s worldwide conference.

The writers of the plan called the division “the best means to resolve our differences, allowing each part of the Church to remain true to its theological understanding, while recognizing the dignity, equality, integrity, and respect of every person.” Read More

Also See:
Diverse Leaders Offer Solution of Amicable United Methodist Split NEW
Methodists Agree on Compromise to Split Denomination
United Methodist Church leaders officially propose split over gay marriage, clergy
United Methodist Church proposes historic split over gay marriage and LGBT clergy
The United Methodist leadership appears to have learned from the mistakes of the Episcopal Church. I am wondering how this plan, if approved at the General Conference in May, will affect the UMC churches in my region.

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