
Friday, January 17, 2020

Will Mancini: Beyond Vision Casting

How churches can cast a missional vision that extends into people’s everyday lives.

Will Mancini is the founder of Auxano and Denominee, and the co-founder of Younique, three interconnected consulting groups aimed at equipping churches and helping them clarify their vision. He is the author of several books, including Church Unique (Jossey-Bass), God Dreams (B&H) and, most recently, Younique: Designing the Life That God Dreamed for You (B&H). We caught up with Mancini to discuss how churches can not only cast a vision but also equip their members to be everything God created them to be in their vocations and everyday lives. Read More

Also See:
One-on-One with Will Mancini on being ‘Younique’

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