
Saturday, February 01, 2020

Practical Preaching Advice for Pastors and Lay Preachers #57

2 Ways Preaching Is Discipleship

How prominent should preaching be in the life of a church? Read More

Don’t Assume Black Preaching Isn’t Expositional

Finally, a book that pushes back on the type of subtle (at times not so subtle) derision and assumptions the African American preaching tradition has endured for years. Read More

How to Avoid the Dangers of Topical Preaching

The point of expository preaching is to carefully study a text and then bring out the original meaning the Biblical author had. My question to you is: why can’t topical preaching do this? It can if we avoid these things.... Read More

5 Dangers Of Expository Preaching (And How To Avoid Them)

Part Two of a great debate between topical and expository preaching. Read More

How to Structure a Sticky Sermon

If your sermon isn’t sticky, it won’t stay with those who hear it. If your sermon isn’t sticky, it’ll bounce off them and be lost forever. Read More

5 Questions Your Listeners Will Have When They Hear You Preach

Considering what questions your hearers will have will help you to better connect with them. Read More

10 Ways Preachers Fatigue Their Regular Listeners

They're in front of us every week. Maybe we can craft our preaching with sensitivity to the listeners in mind. Read More

Judah Smith Shares His 7-Step Outline For Sermon Prep

Judah Smith takes his congregation on a tour through the forest. What's your sermon prep? Read More

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