
Saturday, February 01, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Battling Flat or Declining Attendance Patterns and More

6 Ways to Battle Back against Flat or Declining Attendance Patterns

As a leader, you know it’s getting harder and harder to get people to show up in person for so many things these days. Lower foot traffic and declining attendance is a rising problem. Read More

8 Principles to Move Your Church Beyond the Plateau

Here are eight principles that might help you to help your church walk off the plateau and into revitalization. Read More

4 Sundays Every Church Leader Should Work on Every Week of the Year

There are some Sundays every year that are frankly just more valuable to you and your church as you attempt to grow and make an impact in your community. You need to focus your leadership disproportionately on these four weekends to leverage them for church. Read More
Outside the United States other Sundays than Mother's Day and Back to Church Sunday may be more valuable to a church as it seeks to grow and impact its community. Knowing the community and its culture is key.
8 Ways to Prepare for Greater Impact During Easter

Start thinking now about this next big date on the church calendar. Read More

The Lie about God That Half Your Church Believes

The very heart of true Christianity is opposed to the idea that God helps those who help themselves. This slogan’s nod to God is a subterfuge from Satan. He would prefer if we never thought of God at all, but the next best thing is to think wrong thoughts about Him, thoughts that are not worthy of Him. Read More

How to Pray Against Satan

What are we to pray when it comes to our war with Satan and his demonic hosts? How does prayer factor into our obedience to the command that if we “resist” Satan “he will flee” from us (James 4:7)? Read More

Is Secondhand Screen Time the New Secondhand Smoking?

Checking Twitter in front of kids is not the same as blowing smoke in their faces. Smartphones and cigarettes do, however, have some things in common. Both are addictive and both became wildly popular before researchers learned about their addictive properties and health dangers. Read More

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