
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Should We Use Humor in Preaching? (4 Things to Know)

In Charles Spurgeon’s day, ministry and merriment didn’t often mix.

Evangelicals, particularly those of the Reformed variety, weren’t exactly known for their sense of humor. In his autobiography, Spurgeon quipped that the 12th commandment must have been, “Thou shalt [wear] a long face on Sunday.”

But Spurgeon bucked the trend. He was quick-witted—and it showed in his sermons. The great Spurgeon took the gospel with blood-earnest seriousness, but didn’t take himself seriously at all. Read More

Also See:
The Text: Removing the Assumptions
How To Preach Your Church Toward Its True Identity
4 Reasons Why We Should Preach Hard Texts
Jesus’s Only Bible: 7 Tips for Preaching the Old Testament

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