
Monday, March 23, 2020

Are Americans Taking COVID-19 Seriously Enough?

This, I believe, is the question of the day. Some Americans are urging the president to relax the measures that he announced last week. These measures included the recommendations that schools should be closed, gatherings should be limited, and at least 6 feet of distance should be kept between individuals. At the same time the nation's Surgeon General and other health experts are saying that we have yet to see the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. In special feature I have provided links to a number of articles that not only point to the seriousness of the pandemic but also discuss steps that the United States, our communities, you and I, can take to mitigate its spread. As we shall see the relaxation of these measures is not one of them.

Why We’re Not Overreacting to the Coronavirus, in One Chart
How the Coronavirus Became an American Catastrophe
How The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Is Impacting Rural America
Murray-Calloway County Hospital CEO Says Hospital Prepared For COVID-19 If Kept To A 'Slow Trickle'
Murray-Calloway County Hospital serves the community where I live. Murray is a small college town in a largely rural area. I suspect that a number of county hospitals in rural America are not prepared for a large influx of patients infected with COVID-19 and would be quickly overwhelmed by such an influx.
New Analysis Breaks Down Age-Group Risk for Coronavirus — and Shows Millennials Are Not Invincible
Young Adults under Age 44 Make up a Big Part of Coronavirus Hospitalizations
Covid-19 Explained: How It Spreads and How to Stay Safe
Coronavirus: How to Behave in an Epidemic
Coronavirus: What Could the West Learn from Asia?

Americans really need to take the COVID-19 pandemic with the seriousness that it deserves. They need to work together to combat the spread of the virus and limits its effects.

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