
Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19: An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure

A vaccine against COVID-19 and an effective treatment for the virus may be months, even years away. Until that time our best defense against the virus are simple public health measures like social distancing and hand washing. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the United States was plagued by outbreaks of yellow fever that killed thousands of Americans. In the late nineteenth century it was discovered that yellow fever was spread by mosquitoes. Simple public health methods such eliminating standing water where mosquitoes breed would reduce the outbreaks. We now have a vaccine against yellow fever and states, counties, and cities have mosquito abatement programs which are designed to reduce the mosquito population through regular spraying and other measures.

Here are links to several articles which I believe will help us safeguard ourselves, our families, and our communities as well as keep us better informed about the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why social distancing might last for some time
Coronavirus social distancing advice: What two metres looks like
An expert guide to physical distancing – and what to do if friends and family aren't onboard
Coronavirus: These products work best to kill the virus
UV light is nature’s disinfectant, but can it kill coronavirus?
Covid-19: The history of pandemics
Mother to baby transmission of COVID-19 cannot be ruled out, new study finds

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