
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Greet One Another with a Fervent Fist-Bump? What Churches are Doing in Response to Coronavirus UPDATED

Often churches wonder what other churches are doing-- here's a sampling.

On March 6, I tweeted: “If you are a pastor or church leader, what are you saying/doing regarding Coronavirus this weekend during worship? Have you sent out any emails? How are you encouraging your church? Etc.”

Over 100 people responded. Most provided general, prudent, pastoral wisdom. Some provided links to local or national healthcare sites. Some, however, believe this to be some level of much-ado-about-nothing. Some of the more interesting responses came from the areas closest to the outbreaks, or from overseas. I’ve put representative examples from several categories here.... Read More

Also See:
CDC urges at-risk Americans to ‘take action’ by stocking up on food and medicine for coronavirus
Coronavirus: How to self-isolate [Video] NEW
I don't find the students at my university concerned about the novel corona virus anymore than are about the flu or common cold. They don't wash their hands. They don't use hand sanitizer. They don't cover their mouths and noses when they cough or sneeze. They are also unlikely to seek medical attention unless they are feeling very ill or a friend insists that they that see a doctor. Some recommended practices that prevent the spread of infectious diseases appear to have been omitted from their education. They also dismiss the seriousness of the outbreak as overly-exaggerated. Many are planning to go to those places where university students have gathered in large numbers during their spring break. To what extent the students at my university are representative of the larger population, I do not know. Two steps that churches here in the United States might take is to instruct the members of their congregations in what they can do to prevent the spread of the virus and to encourage more vulnerable members of the congregation to stock up on food and medications as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.

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