
Saturday, March 21, 2020

How Do You Keep a Small Church Going During COVID-19?

For more than 50 years as a Christian and 40 years as a pastor, my week reaches crescendo with the church gathering. Together—singing, fellowshiping, praying, hearing of God’s faithfulness, encouraging fellow believers, proclaiming God’s Word—is normal every week.

It’s an anticipated gift from the Lord.

But this time last year, what I love so dearly got ripped away. Due to four months of intensive chemotherapy, my oncologist mandated: stay in isolation. Four months! From mid-February to early June, I stayed home on Sundays just like every other day of the week. I longed to gather with the church and lift my voice with them in praises to our Lord. I so wanted to put my hand on a brother’s shoulder and pray for him. I wanted to bend down and talk to the children who grace our congregation. I wanted to sit and listen to the Word preached, to echo a soft “Amen.” But I couldn’t. My immune system left me endangered.

A year later, we’re all facing similar isolation. With the current CDC recommendations to tamp down the COVID-19 threat, it may be weeks before we gather again for worship. In brotherly love, we practice “social distancing” by canceling our regular gatherings. How, then, do we navigate these days, especially in smaller congregations without lots of staff and high-tech abilities, to make sure we stay in contact, remain warm in our spiritual affections, and find ways to minister to one another? Read More

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