
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Microchurches Positioned for a Pandemic

Our smaller cousins in microchurches probably noticed little disruption due to the precautions the virus precipitates. A microchurch can easily meet through a Zoom call. And Zoom, Skype and other carriers are free for smaller groups. The same goes for disciplemaking groups. It’s much easier to discuss money if you’re used to face-to-face conversations about whatever difficulty a congregation faces. I could even imagine people singing together in an online video chat.

Whatever the case, people in microchurches start the day with closer ties than those of us in larger assemblies. Microchurches will be less affected by the inevitable dip in financial resources that is to follow. This is true of the logistic problems associated with online-only giving and the outfall of millions of people hurt by suffering businesses.

In a recent blog I pointed out that large churches, even megachurches, sincerely attempt to mimic microchurches through their small group ministries. This is because, as humans, we’re wired for connection. Read More

Also See:
The Rise of the Microchurch [Video] - Free Webinar
The Rise of the Coronavirus and the Microchurch

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