
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Practicing the Ordinances in a Pandemic

Churches are scrambling to figure out how to love and care for people well in the face of an unprecedented challenge. While we can learn from some historical examples, technology offers us new opportunities to care for and shepherd people through this crisis.

It’s essential for pastors to do what they can to encourage and nourish people, even when we can’t gather physically. This has raised the question of how best to gather—whether to livestream services, provide a liturgy guide to be practiced at home, or shut down entirely—along with appropriate questions about the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Challenges and suffering provide us with rich soil to work out deeper theological considerations, and we ought not waste that opportunity.

The church never shuts down, even when our ability to gather physically has been suspended. Read More

Also See:
Can Baptism and the Lord’s Supper Go Online?

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