
Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday's Catch: 'A Christian Mandate' and More

Obedience to God and Love of Neighbor in the Face of a Coronavirus: A Christian’s Mandate

A crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic tends to jerk humanity into the most fundamental theological questions. Who would have thought just a couple weeks ago that many would be forced to shelter in place, restrict their movements to only the grocery store and a local pharmacy? As this pandemic continues to cast its shadow, humanity will be forced into the most basic yet most important questions any human could ask. Life and death are now, all the sudden, our daily conversation. Read More

Spiritual Warfare: 7 Attacks of the Enemy during This COVID-19 Crisis

I’ve studied and written about spiritual warfare for more than 25 years, but I never dreamed I’d be considering the enemy’s schemes in a global pandemic. That’s where we are, though, and here’s where I see the enemy’s arrows hitting home.... Read More

When Corona Makes Us More Like the New Testament

In a number of curious ways, the Coronavirus outbreak is making us more like the New Testament church. There are all sorts of ways in which the opposite is true, of course—the lack of physical contact, the triumph of the private over the public, the retreat into tiny social units, the marginalisation or abolition of the sacraments, the inability to physically gather on Sunday, and so on—and we are all feeling the impact of them. But at the same time, it is worth noticing the ways in which we are becoming more biblical rather than less, and perhaps even giving thanks for them. Five in particular occur to me. Read More

Why Do Christians Need to Hear the Gospel Every Day?

Some people believe that the gospel is only useful for evangelism—a message only unbelievers need to hear. Yet the Bible teaches that followers of Jesus need to continue hearing the gospel even after they are born again. Christians should meditate on the gospel every day in their personal Bible reading, and pastors should preach the gospel in every sermon. We regularly need to hear about the life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, as well as the call to repent of our sins and turn to Jesus in faith. Here are eight reasons we need to hear gospel truths each and every day.... Read More

7 Keys to a Strong Offering Time during an Online Service

Here are some thoughts on how to begin leading your generosity ministry with a focus on the offering time. Read More

If We All Stream Our Services, Will Anyone Ever Come Back?

In its own way, the technology serves to highlight the distance between us. Read More

12 Songs to Sing During a Crisis

During this unfamiliar time for the church, God has given his people a familiar gift that we cannot forget—singing. Read More

Answering Kids' Questions about Why Is Allowing the Coronavirus to Happen 

It's important to prepare yourself to have conversations with children about what is happening. One of the questions you may be called upon to answer is this... WHY is God allowing this to happen? Read More

ChMeetings Simplifying the Church Administration

A very affordable, easy and user-friendly church management software, available on web, Android and iOS. ChMeetings is designed for churches of all sizes and denominations. It’s used by thousands of ministries, churches and even dioceses. Learn More

How to Help the Homeless in a Quarantine

As the outbreak upends our daily lives, many believers likely haven’t realized how this crisis is playing out for their neighbors on the streets—or that there are ways they can help. Read More

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