
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Doing Church from Home and More

You Can Have Church at Home: Here’s a Guide to Help

Doing church from home is not a new thing. Here are some ideas from Life.Church Online. Read More

Six Reasons Why We Are Not Live Streaming Worship Services

Over the past couple weeks I’ve seen many churches live stream their worship services. Some people have asked if we are going to host a live stream service. For now the answer is no, though that could change in the future. Below are some of the reasons we have decided not to provide a live stream worship service. Read More

Survey: Churches Pivoting, Anxious, and Getting on Mission

Over 1500 church leaders responded to our Covid-19 Church Survey. Read More

25 Ways to Worship God on YouTube

As we wait for the glorious days when we can gather again and sing God’s praises in embodied community, we can at least catch glimpses of it through playlists, livestreamed hymn sings, and YouTube videos. Here are a few of the worship videos I’ve found most comforting in recent days. I hope these 25 selections—including old hymns, contemporary stadium anthems, even a little Bach—will be a comfort to you, too. Read More
Also see Family Hymn Sing Live--Getty Music and Songs of Comfort for Anxious Souls (Free Playlist).
5 Ways COVID-19 Encourages Small Group Ministry to Innovate

There is an upside and a downside to everything. Sometimes you have to look closely at something to see the upside. And full disclosure, sometimes you don't see the downside until it happens. As I look at COVID-19 I'm noticing several upsides. Read More

How to Pull Off a Professional Video Call From Home

Nearly every meeting at Wirecutter is a Web-video meeting, and over more than five years of talking to one another through tiny cameras, we’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t. Here’s the best advice from Wirecutter staff, as well as from a few of our expert sources, for getting good video and audio. Whether you’re occasionally working from home, regularly meeting while working remotely, or preparing for a rare video job interview, these tips will help make your virtual presence pleasing and professional. Read More

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