
Saturday, March 07, 2020

Saturday Lagniappe: Moving from a Country Club to a Commissioned Church and More

Moving from a Country Club to a Commissioned Church, Part 1

Paul knew that if people became the central focus of the church, the church would be conformed into the image of people not the image of Christ. Read More

Moving from a Country Club to a Commissioned Church, Part 2

True church growth transfers people from the domain of darkness into the glorious light of Christ. Read More

Evangelism Formation: The Power of Age 60+ in the Work of Evangelism

The truth is that Christians never retire. Until our last breath, God has work for us to do. Read More

‘Progressive’ Christianity: Even Shallower Than the Evangelical Faith I Left

I was an #exvangelical who left the faith of my youth for “progressive Christianity.” Then I returned. Here’s my #revangelical story. Read More

Preparing for Coronavirus to Strike the U.S.

Getting ready for the possibility of major disruptions is not only smart; it’s also our civic duty. Read More
On one hand, we do not need to exaggerate the threat that the coronavirus poses to the US population, on the other hand, we do not need to minimize that threat as President Trump and a number of his allies and advisers have been doing. We are faced with what may become a serious health emergency in the United States and we need to take the coronavirus with the seriousness that a potential epidemic merits.
How the Horrific 1918 Flu Spread Across America

The toll of history’s worst epidemic surpasses all the military deaths in World War I and World War II combined. And it may have begun in the United States. Read More
The death toll of the 1918 influenza pandemic is a terrible reminder of how a disease can not only devastate a nation but also an entire planet. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are bound to repeat them.
5 Ways That Every One of Us Should Be Preparing for Marriage

Far too often we obsess about finding the right person, when Scripture counsels us to become the right person. Read More

How Do I Show Hospitality When I’m Single?

In this article, I’m going to give you a rapid-fire run down of how single people can overcome common obstacles to showing hospitality. Read More

Spiritual Warfare in Everyday Living

“Spiritual warfare is often a battle between choosing to please myself or glorify God.” Read More

Why We Give in to Temptation

Why do we give in to temptation? This question often arises in the context of counseling for repetitive struggles such as pornography use, masturbation, substance abuse, and overeating. There are many biblical ways to answer this question, but I want to focus on just one: we give in to temptation because we get tired of fighting the battle. Read More

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