
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Self-Isolation: A Time for Spiritual Growth

Facing Coronavirus in Christ

Here are 14 truths to think on and apply to our lives in the face of the coronavirus. My suggestion is that we read them slowly, including the verses, and pray through them bit by bit. Read More

Don't Waste Your Quarantine: Spiritual Growth for Quarantine Season

Following the Holy Spirit, we exist to create a movement of disciple-making disciples, in RDU and around the world. During this season when we aren’t able to gather together in person, we want to provide you with some helpful tools and resources to not only grow as a disciple but also be a faithful witness to the hope we have in Christ. Read More

7 Suggestions for Finding Joy in Isolation

Many of you are experiencing isolating lifestyles similar to what we’ve lived now for a few years, but the strangeness of this isolation is compounded by the tidal wave of Pandemic news and reports. Knowing that this new way of life can be a bit challenging, I decided to share with you a few things that I’ve been passing onto friends and loved ones (as well as a few of my LifeChange clients) and thought you might find these helpful, so here we go, with 7 suggestions for finding joy in this season of isolating.... Read More

25 People to Pray for during the Coronavirus Pandemic

You might work through this list during your daily prayer time, taking time to lift up one group in the morning and one in the evening for as long as the pandemic lasts. Read More
Also see: A 7-Day Coronavirus Prayer Guide
Pray All the Psalms with Me the Next 30 Days

To that end, I have adapted a centuries-old approach to reading the psalms found in The Book of Common Prayer by extending a “Morning” and “Evening” reading of psalms into a “Morning,” “Midday,” and “Evening” pattern. There is precedent in the Scriptures for praying three times a day, and there is spiritual blessing in deliberately punctuating your day with moments of prayer and Bible-reading. The three-times-a-day approach is designed to lift your eyes above your current circumstances and to remind you that God is the blazing center of all things. Read More

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